

When a snake sheds its skin in so doing, the snake’s external layer of its body dies off and the latticed scales disconnect and separate from the newly generated skin cells which have been produced underneath.  The snake will shed its skin periodically throughout its life span; at least while the snake continues to grow.  In the process of shedding its old skin, the old skin expels any parasitic attachments such as ticks and mites that may be gripping onto its ground-bound host.  The process the reptile (and other types of insects and crustaceans) will experience during this growing and shedding period is called “ecdysis”, which is of Greek origin. The word is defined as “casting off the outer cuticle”, but some simply refer to the process as “sloughing” or “molting”.

Those familiar with reptiles or snakes will notice that when this transformation of shedding occurs, the snake becomes lethargic, and sometimes aggressive and vexed as the eyes become cloudy, making it difficult for the snake to see clearly, orient itself, and therefore the act of hunting and eating becomes difficult.  The animal waits in a sort of stasis or semi-hibernation state of existence while the molting process takes place.

At a certain stage of the ecdysis, the snake will deliberately try to hasten the process of expelling its uncomfortable, dead skin by physically interacting with a rough, abrasive surface area, usually somewhere around the nose area, to pierce a hole in the dead skin shell in order to wiggle and free itself out of the old casing, revealing the smooth, shimmering, new skin underneath. The reptile undergoes quite a transformation, but after it completes the procedure, the snake is back to its explorations, hunting and roaming through the grass and up trees or wherever snakes like to go on their flat-bellied journeys.

You’ve probably concluded as to where I’m going with this post, and I’m sure you are correct.  There does come a time when we must shed our skins to make room for the regeneration of new Thought to occur within us.  We, like the snake, do a bit of shedding whilst growing and transforming on our spiritual journeys in life.  Once the disharmonic frequencies finally pass and the dissonance isn’t so…dissonant anymore, it’s like passing through the storm’s roil into smoother sailing, rudder intact; sails still down awaiting winds to carry us forward.

These are tough times we find ourselves in at present. As part of the collective, it is next to impossible to be spared any feelings of hearts and minds bereft at current socio-economic as well as spiritual circumstances.  The whole world is seemingly sloughing off “old skins”, transforming into whatever it is deciding to transform into, leaving us in wonderment, expressions aghast at the discoveries of utter abominations that have been uncovered and released to truth explorers. It seems just as one spoonful of bitter, nauseating truth is accepted, another even more debilitating helping of a storyline is exposed or discovered, en masse.

Individuals could sometimes be only left with their own assumptions and explanations as to how things have manifested in the ways they have using only their imagination coupled with the subconscious tailspins felt emanating throughout the confused collective.  The evidence of many souls, who over the past year, especially, have been left properly bewildered and disheartened by the unexpected regime change in our United States government, and are left in horror over the decisions made by the new Reich, which will continually send ripples out into the whole of the world. The echoing sound of hammer to anvil strikes fear in the hearts of men and women collectively that reverberate deeply into those who are sensitive enough to feel its vibrations.

The pole change of the past 8 years has been a mighty extreme to be felt by the collective in many ways.  The environmental repercussions of decisions made against this planet, for example, rape our Mother and her children will suffer.  The aftershocks could be felt as waves of labor pains signaling off into the distance as a lighthouse might to a far away ship.

Every layer of existence has felt this effect and every effort to thwart and dismantle only proves to distort and solidify through the intentions, or ill intentions, of those who would choose to change the state of affairs.  However, the very prophecies meant to be diverted and escaped become evermore self-fulfilling by virtue of the law of attraction.  We cannot “wish” something away by focusing on its opposite effect.  The Universe does not operate in this way.  This is the same as burning up precious energy which is needed to catch wind while the sails are still down.

We cannot picket and protest the issues away.  We cannot stomp our feet or pray away the existence of inevitable change.  Nor can we concentrate on methods of alerting the masses in hopes that enough people will “rise up” AGAINST the problem.  That project has been done, and to no avail and is a very good method of “energy harvesting”.  On the contrary! Precious expenditures of too much life force into such things drains and can serve only to add fuel to the fire; causing the flames to grow higher and more out of control.

Some may disagree, and some may believe there is much importance in spreading awareness and taking a stand, and there IS, do not get me wrong.  Spreading the awareness of Truth is of paramount importance in these times, but for what result or solution? There is intrinsic value in people voicing their opinions and bearing their souls where there’s a desire and need to be heard in order to channel emotion or mental byproduct born out of confusion, frustration, trauma and discord. To let such energies fester and boil can be counter-productive and can cause a form of self-destruction or degradation that could otherwise be avoided.

However, the fact of the matter is there has been a paradigm shift and the old skin has been or is upon completion of its shedding cycle. No level of resistance, mud-slinging, Movement starting or fit-throwing will change this fact.  It is quite evident that the losers are not going quietly and want to make as big a ruckus as possible leaving behind their Magnus Opus in the face of the present existence of humanity with all its phallic symbolism and misogynistic, overly polarized masculine, peacock-exposing, arrogance bleeding over the blatant exchange of power!  At least this guy has the “balls” to do it all out in the open.  There is some integrity there.  (Ahem, excuse me, and let me pull out some of my own bias here to continue…)

We need to roll with the punches and prepare ourselves for the change coming by first sloughing off our own personal dead skins, exposing our underbellies, risking vulnerabilities and weaknesses in order to be seen as friend or foe to those who matter. The answer to facing adversity is going to be unity, plain and simple.  We have had wool over our eyes for far too long mistaking our brothers and sisters as our enemies.  The whole divide and conquer race game is tired and played out.  The secrecy and keeping knowledge from the People is finished and thankfully so.  It has run its course and any awareness to the fact is what needs disclosing more than ever so people understand who they truly are underneath the old skins.  After that happens, a containment project needs to be enforcedly implemented.

Also, whatever force is out there splitting people apart who are trying to come together in order to empower and unite must somehow be flushed out by the individual and must be truly recognized for who or what it truly is, as well as the destructive force  it represents.  Such a subtle force that sneaks up and bamboozles its victims in the midst of trying to educate and inform others so they, too, can bring forth a message must be pinpointed.  Its presence has robbed and stolen from us for far too long in this (secrets) cloak and dagger game of thrones.

The REAL question is how do we unite and come together?

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